Tuesday, June 5, 2007


One of the parallels between the novel and our world today is that we can read books when ever we want. In the story if they would ever read a book they would go to jail because the government would not let them read books. In are world today they want us to read books because it can help us and give us ideas and info on anything we want. In the book they have rules where they live they cant drive slow they cant do anything. In the book montag job is to start firer and burn books so people cant read them. In our world if there is a firer we have to put it out. We don't have rules to go by we have laws but there not that bad like what the rules are in the book. In book montag never thought that books were good for you, then this girl told him that books are. then he found out that he was being lied to. In are world books help us learn if we didn't have book we wouldn't know that much stuff.

Monday, June 4, 2007

important ideas and learning from your classmate

Some important ideas are that when i was reading this is that if i didn't get one part i would read it over again. this help me out a lot when i didn't get something. every time we had to read we had to blog after that and i liked that a lot to because if i didn't get something i could read other people blog and i could get and idea what they are thinking. I think learning from are classmate was great because we get into groups and we talked about the books. If one person didn't get it we could help them giving notes to each other if we had them. We had had like five people in are group so when one person was done talking the other person would start talking. This is why i like learning from are classmate the best. Blogs were a big help too.

warnings that the aurthor is trying to get across

The warnings that the author is trying to get across to us about the book is that the things that you read can give us info on things you want to know. The author is telling us if we didn't have any books we wouldn't know that much because when someone finds something new they tell people and they write it down so people can see it around the world. If we didn't have books how can we learn things in school if we don't have books, If we don't have books who can teach the teacher. If the teacher don't learn we don't learn and then the world would be crazy. This is what i think his is trying to warn us.

Friday, June 1, 2007

What i think about Fahrenheit 451 part 2

What i think about Fahrenheit 451 part 2 is that it changes a lot from part one they talk more about the books and why they burn them. Montag and Clarisse relationship are getting closer and i get part two better then part one for some reason. I could understand part two a lot because i just get it more and when i had to do the question i could answer them better. The blog help it out a lot too because it seems like a lot of people were talking about it.

important ideas

Some important ideas are when you start reading it can get really confusing. A good way for it not to be confusing for you is to keep reading it. when you read the first part of the book read some of it over again so you don't feel lost. some more important ideas are this book trys to trick you a lot. I don't really under stand how montag feels really about having Clarisse as a friend in the first part of the book. he meets this girl that he doesnt know and she tells him that his whole life is one big lie.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Thoughts from class discustuion

What we talked about in are class disgusting is part two in the book Fahrenheit 451. We talked about if we get the book or not. But i think the book is really good because it trys to trick you and stuff. one of the quotes liked in the book was "its not books you need, its some of the things that once were in books". For some reason i liked that quote the best. i disgusted with my group when i went out in the hall with them. My group members had alot of good quotes too that i liked.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How He Feels About His Job

What i going to be talking about is one of the questions in the packet. The one Iam talking about is they ask him how he likes his job or feel about his job. What i put is i think he like his job because that what he been thought to do. All he knows what to do is to start firer and burn books and then he meets this girl that lives right next to him and she tells him back in the old days they used to put out the firer and read the books to help them do things like get info on homework and a lot of other things. Then he finds out about this and he feels like he been lied to and he doesn't know what to do. So now i willing don't know how he feels about his job.